No worries though, 'cause I hit the estate sales today, and found a ton with paperbacks. Like I'm running short on them or something.
So once again my livingroom looks like a demented book hoarder's house - oh, wait - it IS a demented book hoarder's house. Never mind, I spend tomorrow sorting, boxing, and stashing them away in the bookroom, and everything will go back to normal.
But - tonight - right away - I listed the find of the day - bought it at 40% off and was delighted to find it for my geneaology collection, then got home and realized I actually already own the reprint facsimile edition _SO_ this first edition 1922 copy is now up for sale on Amazon.This would cover the Harman-Peery side of the family whereas Captain Thomas Peery married Sarah Josephine Muncy, waited a whole 15 minutes or so and then rode off to the Civil War, and didn't return for 4 years. Amazingly she remembered his name when he returned. Even more amazing they had 16 kids together. He must have spent the rest of his life making up for the whole "marry me baby, oops, did I not mention there's a war goin' on??"
This copy has the previous owners name on the front loose endpaper: P.D. Johnston, 2/22/23. I'm actually related to the Johnston's on the other side of my family (Appalachian mountains-we're all related eventually, or sometimes only a cousin or so away).
The author, John Newton Harman. Yep, related to him too. I actually have a first cousin who is married to our fifth cousin. And a first cousin married to a third cousin, both of whom are related to me through both my mom and dad's families. We really need someone to invent a circular family tree diagram.
If you need this nifty genealogy book, it's up for sale by Chewybooks: Annals of Tazewell County, by John Newton Harman,Sr., at least as of today, May 8,2010.
Buy it and find out if we're related. I'm pretty sure we are.
My husband would sure have a lot to make up to me for marrying me and then leaving for 4 years.