Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 265/365 Road Trip

This was the scene early this morning. One of our empty rural roads that eventually (3 hours later) gave way to....

the traffic outside of Richmond, which gave way to...

spaghetti interstates with traffic running at 75-80 mph....

the famous Phillip Morris smokestack (the tobacco rep in me couldn't resist)....

flying trucks....

all found along this road.

Our final destination and at least for the next four days...

we're being spoiled.

But we still checked for bedbugs on account of there being an epidemic of the little suckers...

Tomorrow -the Holocaust Museum and every freaking war monument on the Mall. My daughter is planning the itinerary.

P.S. For those of you I said I'd be able to contact through FB - never mind -for some reason it isn't working and so you will have to hold those lovely thoughts till I'm home again.