Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 111/365 Neither Past, Nor Dead

Southerners are overly preoccupied with their history.

I can say that because I myself am a southerner, albeit a sortof weird hybrid, since both of my families run seven generations deep in Virginia but I was partially raised up north, but having since redeemed myself by moving south.

But God help the yankee that says it (and I’m only half joking-I use to delight in torturing my old-school Southern grandmother by asking her if she had the choice would she rather I married a black man, a Republican, or a yankee? That was enough to put a worried frown on her face, and silence her for hours).

At any rate, as proof that southerners dwell incessantly upon the past (wasn't it Faulkner that said The past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past?) here’s today’s paper and the listing of local events:

Preserving Your Family History (Main Library)
The Secret Life of Cemeteries (Preserving your family's cemetery)
Talking About Books (Oral Histories)

Writing Your Family History (Rants and Raves about your family)

Historic Cemeteries (Preserving historic cemeteries)

Historical presentation on how the War touched our lives and behaviors today (Warning: You will give yourself away if you ask ‘Which war?’)

Preservation Monthly Workshop (Historic cemetery location, preservation, conservation and planning) (How on earth does one PLAN a historic cemetery location?)

This is not national cemetery month, these events are all planned by separate entities, and this is not an unusual assortment of activities.

I rest my case with an overabundance of proof.

As Mr. Faulkner said: In the South, the past is not dead. In fact, it's not even past.


  1. Too funny! I heard a joke once about Virginians, and when I repeated it to my cousins in Roanoke they thought it was somewhat funny - How many Virginians does it take to screw in a light bulb? Answer: 100. One to screw in the bulb and 99 to talk about good the old one was... LOL

  2. Well, I think it's funny! Except it's really only 98 to talk about how good the old one was and that leaves one to trace the family history of the light bulb (and establish that it was indeed related to Robert E. Lee)
